About Us
"Yonina” (a combination of our names -Yoni and Nina Tokayer) began from the moment we met, on a beautiful balcony in Tzfat, Israel. We had both been pursuing music our entire lives, and once we met we began dreaming about making music together. We are an Israeli-American musical duo who first started sharing our music through weekly home videos posted to social media. Since we first began posting our videos in 2016, our music has reached millions of viewers, with the record being our cover of “One Day” which had over 40 million views from around the globe.
In September of 2017 we released our debut album, "Emet Pshuta" (Simple Truth), with original hit songs like “Ahava”, “Rega Mechuvan”, “Seriously” and “Shir Shel Boker”. For the past six years we’ve been performing throughout Israel, the US and Europe, in both large-scale concerts and private events.
In June 2022 we released our 2nd album, "Somewhere in the Middle", an album inspired by our children and our experiences as parents. The album includes songs such as "I Can Do It", "Lyla Tov", "Eretz Yisrael", "Lamdeni" and "Movement", with music that hopefully both children and adults can enjoy and find meaningful.
We've been married for seven years and have three sweet children who make guest appearances in our videos- Ashira (6), Achiya Yehuda (3) and Kedem Ahava (1) . We live in the rural city of Pardes Chana in Northern Israel.